Yanqiu Shao


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An Unsupervised Framework for Adaptive Context-aware Simplified-Traditional Chinese Character Conversion
Wei Li | Shutan Huang | Yanqiu Shao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Traditional Chinese character is an important carrier of Chinese culture, and is still actively used in many areas. Automatic conversion between traditional and simplified Chinese characters can help modern people understand traditional culture and facilitate communication among different regions. Previous conversion methods rely on rule-based mapping or shallow feature-based machine learning models, which struggle to convert simplified characters with different origins and constructing training data is costly. In this study, we propose an unsupervised adaptive context-aware conversion model that learns to convert between simplified and traditional Chinese characters under a denoising auto-encoder framework requiring no labeled data. Our model includes a Latent Generative Adversarial Encoder that transforms vectors to a latent space with generative adversarial network, which adds noise as an inevitable side effect, Based on which a Context-aware Semantic Reconstruction Decoder restores the original input while considering a broader range of context with a pretrained language model. Additionally, we propose to apply early exit mechanism during inference to reduce the computation complexity and improve the generalization ability. To test the effectiveness of our model, we construct a high quality test dataset with simplified-traditional Chinese character text pairs. Experiment results and extensive analysis demonstrate that our model outperforms strong unsupervised baselines and yields better conversion result for one-to-many cases.


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《二十四史》古代汉语语义依存图库构建(Construction of Semantic Dependency Graph Bank of Ancient Chinese in twenty four histories)
Tian Huang (黄恬) | Yanqiu Shao (邵艳秋) | Wei Li (李炜)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“语义依存图是NLP处理语义的深层分析方法,能够对句子中词与词之间的语义进行分析。该文针对古代汉语特点,在制定古代汉语语义依存图标注规范的基础上,以《二十四史》为语料来源,完成标注了规模为3000句的古代汉语语义依存图库,标注一致性的kappa值为78.83%。通过与现代汉语语义依存图库的对比,对依存图库基本情况进行统计,分析古代汉语的语义特色和规律。统计显示,古代汉语语义分布宏观上符合齐普夫定律,在语义事件描述上具有强烈的历史性叙事和正式文体特征,如以人物纪传为中心,时间、地点等周边角色描述细致,叙事语言冷静客观,缺少描述情态、语气、程度、时间状态等的修饰词语等。 "

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针对古代经典文献的引用查找问题的数据构建与匹配方法(Data Construction and Matching Method for the Task of Ancient Classics Reference Detection)
Wei Li (李炜) | Yanqiu Shao (邵艳秋) | Mengxi Bi (毕梦曦)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


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基于强化学习的古今汉语句子对齐研究(Research on Sentence Alignment of Ancient and Modern Chinese based on Reinforcement Learning)
Kuai Yu (喻快) | Yanqiu Shao (邵艳秋) | Wei Li (李炜)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


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Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation with BERT Oriented Probing and Transformation
Wei Li | Yuhan Song | Qi Su | Yanqiu Shao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Word Segmentation is a fundamental step for understanding Chinese language. Previous neural approaches for unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) only exploits shallow semantic information, which can miss important context. Large scale Pre-trained language models (PLM) have achieved great success in many areas because of its ability to capture the deep contextual semantic relation. In this paper, we propose to take advantage of the deep semantic information embedded in PLM (e.g., BERT) with a self-training manner, which iteratively probes and transforms the semantic information in PLM into explicit word segmentation ability. Extensive experiment results show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art F1 score on two CWS benchmark datasets.


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基于数据选择和局部伪标注的跨语义依存分析研究(Selection and Pseudo Partial Annotationy)
Dazhan Mao (毛达展) | Kuai Yu (喻快) | Yanqiu Shao (邵艳秋)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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半监督跨领域语义依存分析技术研究(Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Dependency Parsing)
Dazhan Mao (毛达展) | Huayong Li (李华勇) | Yanqiu Shao (邵艳秋)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


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Semantic-aware Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution with Pre-trained Semantic Dependency Parser
Lanqiu Zhang | Zizhuo Shen | Yanqiu Shao
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

Deep learning-based Chinese zero pronoun resolution model has achieved better performance than traditional machine learning-based model. However, the existing work related to Chinese zero pronoun resolution has not yet well integrated linguistic information into the deep learningbased Chinese zero pronoun resolution model. This paper adopts the idea based on the pre-trained model, and integrates the semantic representations in the pre-trained Chinese semantic dependency graph parser into the Chinese zero pronoun resolution model. The experimental results on OntoNotes-5.0 dataset show that our proposed Chinese zero pronoun resolution model with pretrained Chinese semantic dependency parser improves the F-score by 0.4% compared with our baseline model, and obtains better results than other deep learning-based Chinese zero pronoun resolution models. In addition, we integrate the BERT representations into our model so that the performance of our model was improved by 0.7% compared with our baseline model.


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SemEval-2016 Task 9: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing
Wanxiang Che | Yanqiu Shao | Ting Liu | Yu Ding
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)


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Construction of Semantic Collocation Bank Based on Semantic Dependency Parsing
Shijun Liu | Yanqiu Shao | Yu Ding | Lijuan Zheng
Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation: Posters


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Jointly or Separately: Which is Better for Parsing Heterogeneous Dependencies?
Meishan Zhang | Wanxiang Che | Yanqiu Shao | Ting Liu
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers


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SemEval-2012 Task 5: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing
Wanxiang Che | Meishan Zhang | Yanqiu Shao | Ting Liu
*SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics – Volume 1: Proceedings of the main conference and the shared task, and Volume 2: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012)